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Portraits of happy kids playing upside down outdoors in summer park

Keeping Kids Active in Summertime: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers

Posted by Churchich Content Team Content on May 24, 2024

Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and creating lasting memories. However, with school out of session, it's essential to ensure that children remain active and engaged.

“It is known that children are less active over summer break,” says the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). “A recent study among children 6 to 9 years of age showed that physical activity dropped by 53 percent during the summer months. Moreover, time spent in sedentary activities (e.g., screen time) increases.”

At Churchich Recreation & Design, we help our communities create memorable, one-of-a-kind experiences for play, comfort, and connection, so we understand the importance of keeping kids of all ages active from Memorial Day to Labor Day.

“There are many possible reasons for these seasonal differences in physical activity. School days typically involve regular physical activity sessions (e.g., recess, PE class) and limited screen time, which may have a protective effect on children’s health behaviors,” said SBM.

Let’s explore the importance of keeping kids active during the summer and provide tips for parents and caregivers to make the most of this time.

The Importance of Keeping Kids Active

Staying active during the summer offers numerous benefits for children of all ages.

“Declines in physical activity over the summer can have adverse effects on children’s health (e.g., weight gain). Numerous studies have shown that body mass index increases more in the summer than in other seasons. Excess weight gain can lead to obesity and poorer metabolic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and mental health for children,” said SBM.

Let's take a closer look at the physical, mental, and social benefits of an active summer:

  • Physical Health
    • Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of obesity.
    • Physical activity strengthens bones, muscles, and cardiovascular health.
    • Engaging in outdoor activities promotes vitamin D production, essential for overall well-being.
  • Mental Health
    • Exercise releases endorphins, which boost mood and reduce stress and anxiety.
    • Physical activity improves cognitive function, including memory and concentration.
    • Engaging in fun activities fosters a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.
  • Social Development
    • Participating in group activities and sports encourages teamwork and social skills.
    • Playdates and organized activities provide opportunities to make new friends and build relationships.
    • Socialization during the summer helps children develop essential interpersonal skills.

The Consequences of an Inactive Summer

Without the structure of school, children may fall into sedentary habits during the summer. Here are some concerns associated with an inactive summer:

  • Increased screen time: Children may spend excessive time watching television, playing video games, or using electronic devices.
  • Lack of supervision: With both parents often working, children may lack proper supervision and guidance during the day.
  • Health risks: Inactivity can lead to weight gain, poor physical fitness, and a higher risk of chronic health conditions.

10 Tips for Getting Kids Active

Encouraging children to stay active during the summer is crucial for their overall well-being.

Here are 10 detailed tips for parents and caregivers to keep kids engaged and active:

  1. Create a structured routine: Establish a daily schedule that includes designated times for outdoor play, physical activities, and structured exercise. This helps create a sense of balance and ensures that children have ample opportunities to stay active throughout the day.
  2. Limit screen time and encourage outdoor exploration: Set reasonable limits on television, video games, and electronic devices. Encourage children to explore the outdoors, engage in imaginative play, and discover new hobbies or interests that involve physical activity.
  3. Plan regular playdates and group activities: Arrange playdates with friends or neighbors to provide social interaction and encourage physical activity. Organize group activities such as team sports, treasure hunts, or outdoor adventures to foster teamwork and friendly competition.
  4. Utilize local playgrounds and parks: Take advantage of community playgrounds and parks for outdoor fun and exploration. These spaces offer a variety of play equipment and open areas for running, jumping, and engaging in unstructured play.
  5. Enroll in summer camps and programs: Consider enrolling children in summer camps or programs that offer a wide range of activities, including sports, arts and crafts, and outdoor adventures. These programs provide structured activities, social interaction, and opportunities to learn new skills.
  6. Organize family fitness activities: Plan regular family outings that involve physical activity, such as hiking, biking, swimming, or playing sports together. Make fitness a family priority and lead by example by staying active yourself.
  7. Encourage backyard games and outdoor challenges: Transform your backyard into an adventure zone by setting up obstacle courses, organizing scavenger hunts, or playing classic games like tag, hide-and-seek, or capture the flag. Encourage friendly competitions and celebrate achievements.
  8. Sign up for age-appropriate sports programs: Enroll children in sports programs that match their interests and skill levels. Whether it's soccer, basketball, swimming, or martial arts, participating in organized sports helps develop physical skills, teamwork, and self-confidence.
  9. Incorporate active indoor activities: On rainy days or during extreme heat, engage children in active indoor activities. Set up an indoor obstacle course, play dance video games, practice yoga or stretching exercises, or create a mini-gym with age-appropriate equipment.
  10. Reward and celebrate active achievements: Recognize and celebrate children's active accomplishments, whether it's mastering a new skill, completing a fitness challenge, or consistently engaging in physical activities. Use positive reinforcement to encourage ongoing participation and make physical activity a fun and rewarding experience.

Precautions for Summer Activities

While encouraging physical activity is crucial, it's equally important to prioritize safety during the summer months:

  • Heat Safety: Ensure children stay hydrated, wear loose-fitting clothing, and avoid prolonged exposure to high temperatures.
  • Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen with an appropriate SPF, wear hats and sunglasses, and seek shade during peak sun hours.
  • Water Safety: Supervise children around water, enforce pool rules, and ensure they wear life jackets when necessary.

Benefits for Adults, Too!

Engaging in summer activities with children offers benefits for adults as well as children. For adults the payoff can be:

  • Socialization: Participating in group activities and playdates allows adults to interact with other parents and caregivers.
  • Stress Relief: Spending quality time with children and enjoying outdoor activities can reduce stress and promote overall well-being.
  • Family Bonding: Engaging in fun activities together strengthens family bonds and creates lasting memories.

Keeping kids active during the summer is essential for their physical, mental, and social development.

By implementing the 10 detailed tips outlined in this blog post, parents and caregivers can create a fun, engaging, and active summer experience for their children.

Remember to prioritize safety, lead by example, and celebrate achievements along the way.

Churchich Recreation & Design is committed to creating playgrounds and play environments where families can embrace an active lifestyle during the summer months and beyond.